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Increase in wildlife casualties in Hesse due to swine fever concerns arising

Hesse's state is content with the hunting harvest this year. Nonetheless, the Ministry of Agriculture underscores the necessity of carrying out more hunting to ensure the conservation of certain wildlife species.

- Increase in wildlife casualties in Hesse due to swine fever concerns arising

Hunting Enthusiasts in Hesse Continue to Bag More Roe Deer, Wild Boar, and Red Deer in the 2023-2024 Hunting Season. This information was shared by the Hessian Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Wine, Forests, Hunting, and Homeland based in Wiesbaden. At the moment, the primary objective is to decimate the wild boar population to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF).

As per the ministry's records, a total of 110,964 roe deer, 63,925 wild boar, and 8,205 red deer were hunted. This figure indicates the highest red deer count since 1959 and the second-highest since its inception. Although the wild boar kill has increased by approximately 10,000 animals, it remains somewhat moderate. Moreover, various intrusive species were targeted in the hunt, including 36,890 raccoons, around 2,560 nutria, and 3,870 Nile geese.

The presence of ASF in southern Hesse has significantly increased the hunters' importance. The Hessian Ministry of Agriculture stressed that the wild boar population ought to be further reduced in disease-free areas to break transmission chains. "Hunters play a crucial role in preventing and combating ASF. However, the outbreak in southern Hesse also underlines the need for intensified efforts," said Agriculture Minister Ingmar Jung (CDU) as per the statement.

The ministry is considering strategies to target other intrusive species, such as foxes or mink, in future hunting seasons to maintain ecosystem balance. Despite the success in hunting other deer species, the focus remains on reducing the Other wild boar population to minimize the risk of ASF spread.

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