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Increase in Whooping Cough Cases Prompts Call for Vaccinations by Ministry

Whooping cough incidents are increasing across the country, posing a significant risk to newborns.

A vaccination book with marked fields.
A vaccination book with marked fields.

Well-being is key. - Increase in Whooping Cough Cases Prompts Call for Vaccinations by Ministry

Due to the increasing number of whooping cough cases across the country, the Health Ministry of Saarland has urged citizens to get vaccinated against the disease. Magnus Jung, the Saarland Health Minister from the SPD party, emphasized that it is everyone's duty to prevent the spread of whooping cough. In the state of Saarland, around 69 cases have been documented this year, while Germany has witnessed almost 6,600 reported cases. Children and the elderly are more susceptible to the illness, but adults can also suffer severe consequences.

The STIKO (Standing Vaccination Commission) advises pregnant women to get vaccinated against whooping cough, not only for their own health but also to shield newborns from the disease until they can receive their own vaccinations. Despite the recommendation, the uptake rate among pregnant women remains low. In Germany, newborns are vaccinated at two, four, and eleven months old. It is also advised that adults check their own vaccination history and consider receiving a booster shot against whooping cough (pertussis) every decade.

Children and adults typically first experience mild cold symptoms, such as a runny nose or cough, before developing the characteristic dry cough. These symptoms might be accompanied by shortness of breath and vomiting after coughing fits. Whooping cough can be fatal for infants, making it crucial to protect them through vaccination and prevent its spread.

Read also:

  1. The BMG (Federal Ministry of Health) is monitoring the Number of whooping cough cases in Germany closely, as the number of reported cases has reached almost 6,600 this year.
  2. Saarbrücken, the capital of Saarland, has seen 69 documented cases of whooping cough in 2023, prompting local officials to stress the importance of vaccination for maintaining public health.
  3. According to the German legislative body, the SPD (Social Democratic Party), it is essential for all residents to contribute to disease prevention by getting vaccinated against whooping cough, as it can pose severe health risks, not just for children and the elderly, but also for adults.
  4. To combat the low vaccination rate among pregnant women in Germany, healthcare providers collaborate with local SPD representatives to encourage expecting mothers to heed the STIKO (Standing Vaccination Commission) advice and get vaccinated against whooping cough.
  5. The German government aims to protect infants and minimize the spread of diseases like whooping cough by implementing mandatory vaccinations for newborns at two, four, and eleven months old, reinforcing the importance of health and well-being for all residents of Germany.



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