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Increase in the number of charging points for electric cars in Berlin

More and more charging stations for electric cars are being connected to the grid in the capital - but the vast majority of them are not accessible to the public.

The network of charging stations in Berlin is becoming increasingly dense.
The network of charging stations in Berlin is becoming increasingly dense.

E-mobility - Increase in the number of charging points for electric cars in Berlin

The number of charging points for electric cars in Berlin now reaches approximately 28,000. Of these, 4,200 are publicly accessible, as Berlin Partner Economy and Technology reports with reference to numbers from Stromnetz Berlin. The remaining charging stations are privately used, for example by E-car drivers at home or at work. For comparison: According to Stromnetz Berlin, there were around 21,000 charging columns in Berlin as of July 1, 2023.

The traffic and economic administration announced in mid-April that the number of charging columns must significantly increase. The need for charging capacity is therefore expected to increase by almost sevenfold by 2030.

In the first quarter, almost 72,000 electrically powered vehicles were registered in Berlin, according to Berlin Partner. Of these, around 2,350 were heavy commercial vehicles and over 200 buses. The administration expects 400,000 E-cars in Berlin by 2030, with a daily power demand of 2,000 Megawatt-hours.

  1. To cater to the increasing number of electric cars in Berlin, the traffic administration has set a goal to significantly increase the number of charging columns, with a need for charging capacity expected to increase almost sevenfold by 2030.
  2. Berlin Partner Economy and Technology recently reported that Berlin now has around 28,000 charging points for electric cars, with 4,200 of these being publicly accessible charging stations.
  3. To ensure smooth traffic and accommodate the predicted 400,000 electric cars in Berlin by 2030, the city will need to expand its charging infrastructure, including installing more charging points like the privately-owned ones at homes and workplaces, as well as publicly accessible charging stations and charging points at strategic locations such as highways and shopping centers.

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