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Increase in respiratory diseases in recent weeks

Coughs, runny noses, fevers: in Rhineland-Palatinate, too, many people spent the holidays in bed instead of under the Christmas tree. And the trend is continuing before the turn of the year. In recent weeks, there has been a significant increase in corona, influenza and RSV pathogens, the State...

A woman uses a handkerchief.
A woman uses a handkerchief.

Health - Increase in respiratory diseases in recent weeks

Coughs, runny noses, fevers: many people in Rhineland-Palatinate also spent the holidays in bed instead of under the Christmas tree. And the trend is continuing before the turn of the year. In recent weeks, there has been a significant increase in corona, influenza and RSV pathogens, the State Investigation Office announced in Koblenz on Thursday. This is based on random samples from the state's own SURE surveillance project. According to the office, 40 GP and pediatric practices in Rhineland-Palatinate are taking part in the project.

Although many doctors' surgeries are closed between the years, this is not usually due to strikes. According to the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Association of General Practitioners has distanced itself from the Virchowbund's call to strike between the years, but could not be reached itself. The Virchowbund also had no precise overview, as the organization of the "Praxis in Not" campaign was very decentralized, according to a representative.

State Health Secretary Denis Alt (SPD) said: "Everyone must decide for themselves whether a strike is the right signal in view of the wave of illness - especially as a meeting with Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and the GPs has been scheduled for the beginning of January." Rhineland-Palatinate always relies on dialog. "This should also be possible at federal level."

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