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Increase in part-time employees in Saarland.

In Saarland, the proportion of part-time employees has slightly increased. There are various factors that lead to part-time work.

Eine Stellenanzeige hängt in einem Schaufenster.
Eine Stellenanzeige hängt in einem Schaufenster.

Job market - Increase in part-time employees in Saarland.

One out of every three employees in Saarland holds a part-time position. The percentage of part-time employees increased by one percentage point from 2022 to 2023, reaching 32%, as reported by the Saarland State Statistics Office in Saarbrücken. The rise in part-time work rates seems to be a slow but steady trend. Women are more likely to work part-time; their rate was 53%, compared to 12% for men, as stated.

The reasons behind part-time employment are diverse. As per Micrcensus 2023, 27% of part-time working women listed childcare as the primary motivation for their reduced work schedule. For all part-time workers, 24% noted school education, further training, or studying as the reasons for taking on a part-time job.

Other factors contributing to part-time employment include illness or a scarcity of full-time job opportunities. Interestingly, 26% of the total 141,000 part-time workers in Saarland opted for part-time work without any of the mentioned reasons or the care of dependents or other factors influencing their decision.

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The labor market in Saarland, particularly in Saarbrücken, has seen a significant increase in part-time positions, affecting both genders but predominantly women. According to Saarland State Statistics Office statistics, women make up 53% of the part-time workforce, compared to 12% for men in 2023.

The increase in part-time employment can be attributed to various factors, such as childcare needs, as reported by 27% of female part-time workers in as per Micrcensus 2023. School education, further training, or studying were also noted as reasons by 24% of part-time workers in Saarland.

This trend in part-time employment has impacted the overall labor market statistics for Saarland. As of 2023, one out of every three employees in Saarland holds a part-time position, marking an increase of one percentage point from the previous year.


