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Research center: Significantly more anti-Semitic incidents in North Rhine-Westphalia

The number of anti-Semitic incidents in North Rhine-Westphalia has risen two and a half times according to the Research and Information Center on Anti-Semitism (Rias). Last year, 664 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded, 400 or 152 percent more than in the previous year, as the research center...

Man with kippah
Man with kippah

Research center: Significantly more anti-Semitic incidents in North Rhine-Westphalia

Since the Islamic Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, antisemitism has become more "uninhibited" and increasingly disrupted Jewish daily life. According to the report, 65% of all cases recorded in the past year occurred after the attack in early October.

The report also showed an increase in violent inclination. Antisemitically motivated attacks and threats reportedly doubled or tripled. There were reportedly 16 attacks and 16 threats, as well as two cases of "extreme violence". In 176 cases where victims could be identified, they were individuals in 176 cases and institutions in 200 cases.

The majority of antisemitic incidents reportedly occurred on the street (201), in educational institutions such as schools and universities (73), in public buildings (71), and in public transportation (47). In 42 cases, victims experienced antisemitism in their immediate living environment. 75 incidents occurred on the internet.

The research and information center also documented 117 assemblies with antisemitic calls, slogans, posters, or speaking contributions. While antisemitism related to Israel accounted for roughly 33% of all cases in 2022, it made up 56% of all cases in 2023. In 58 cases, memorial sites commemorating Jewish victims of National Socialism were deliberately targeted.

The research and information center North Rhine-Westphalia is funded by the Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

  1. The search point for increased antisemitic incidents after the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023 can be found in various locations such as streets, educational institutions, public buildings, and public transportation.
  2. In North Rhine-Westphalia, 56% of all reported antisemitic cases in 2023 were related to the Israel-Hamas conflict, compared to 33% in 2022.
  3. When it comes to antisemitic incidents in 2023, Israel has been a common focus, with 58 cases targeting memorial sites commemorating Jewish victims of National Socialism.
  4. The research and information center located in Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, which is funded by the Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees, and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, has documented a significant rise in antisemitic incidents since the Hamas attack on Israel.

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