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Incorrect municipal ballot papers totalling 1500 occur in Neubrandenburg.

Upcoming local elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are approaching, with just over a week left. However, in Neubrandenburg, one constituency has had its voting process canceled and postponed.

Eine Wählerin steckt ihren Stimmzettel bei einer früheren Kommunalwahl in Brandenburg in die...
Eine Wählerin steckt ihren Stimmzettel bei einer früheren Kommunalwahl in Brandenburg in die Wahlurne.

Voting Events - Incorrect municipal ballot papers totalling 1500 occur in Neubrandenburg.

Because of some wrong ballots, the city council election in Neubrandenburg for one area has been cancelled on June 9th. The choice was made by the city in coordination with the Ministry of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as the supervisory body. Only district number one is impacted, specifically the selection of city councilors, according to the city administration. The county and European elections, as well as other areas, are not affected.

The reasoning for this error involves around 1500 incorrect ballots for the city council assembly in district one. "We're sorry for the trouble faced by the residents of district one due to the printing mistake," said community election officer, Heike Rathsack. The new election date in district one will be at least a month following the original election date and will be decided by the city council.

Earlier, NDR had reported diverse errors on certain ballots for Neubrandenburg's city council elections. For instance, certain candidates appeared on two separate parties at the same time or only appeared on other positions or didn't show up at all on their designated party.

Already dispersed ballots for the city council election in district one have been labelled as invalid and any faulty ballots have been put away, according to the information provided by the city administration.

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