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Inaccuracies in the ledgers of the Lawyers' Association.

The Brandenburg State Audit Office has examined the financial records of the local bar association and uncovered various deficiencies. Nevertheless, a legal dispute hindered the audit's progress.

The logo of the Brandenburg State Court of Audit.
The logo of the Brandenburg State Court of Audit.

The Court of Auditors lambasted certain practices. - Inaccuracies in the ledgers of the Lawyers' Association.

The Brandenburg State Audit Office recently criticized the Bar Association for errors and a lack of diligence in their financial management. Spokesperson for the top auditors, Dirk Lamm, highlighted incorrect information and rounding in annual reports from 2014 and 2015 at a meeting in Potsdam on Thursday. According to earlier reports by RBB, there were also bookings without receipts in the accounting. The number of participants at functions was reported incorrectly, and large amounts were spent on items like candy, food, medication, pizza, and gifts for employees. The auditors pointed out that the necessity of these expenditures was questionable, if not downright illegal.

The Bar Association, an organization tasked with supervising lawyers in Brandenburg, initially stayed silent about these claims. However, the State Audit Office's focus centered on the 2014 and 2021 accounting books. The issue caused a legal battle, as the Chamber filed a lawsuit against the auditors' announcement in court. The Administrative Court of Potsdam dismissed the lawsuit, and the appeal was unsuccessful.

The Ministry of Justice is presently examining the details of the audit. They're determining if there is a need for any kind of legal oversight. The Ministry's supervision is limited to making sure that all laws and statutes are being followed.

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