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In Thuringia's district council elections, a blow for Höcke-AfD.

In Thuringia, the focus is on district offices, town halls, and local parliaments, as well as determining if the AfD's high popularity can be converted into successful election outcomes.

Wähler kommen zum Wahllokal im Gymnasium Rutheneum. Zur Kommunalwahl in Thüringen werden unter...
Wähler kommen zum Wahllokal im Gymnasium Rutheneum. Zur Kommunalwahl in Thüringen werden unter anderem Bürgermeister, Landräte, Stadträte und Gemeinderäte neu gewählt.

Local governments - In Thuringia's district council elections, a blow for Höcke-AfD.

There was significant anxiety, yet the thunderous clap never materialized: the far-right party AfD, led by Björn Höcke, failed to secure victory in their first attempt at the Landrat and Oberburgermeister elections in Thuringia. On the contrary, the CDU continues to gain ground in various municipal parliaments. In select district councils, a stalemate scenario in terms of votes shared seems imminent. A Neo-Nazi named Tommy Frenck shockingly secured a place in the Landrat election's second round in Hildburghausen, amassing 24.9 percent.

AfD Candidates in Runoff Elections

Nine of the thirteen AfD candidates made it into the runoff stage or were in close proximity to doing so, especially against CDU candidates. However, the AfD was only ahead in the Altenburger Land district in eastern Thuringia. Their candidates frequently ranked significantly behind their counterparts from other parties.

Political Scientist Oliver Lembke from Bochum appraised that the AfD is gaining momentum at the local level. "They aren't seizing city halls. But they force the CDU into a runoff," Lembke explained, having spent years investigating and living in Thuringia.

Achieving leadership on the municipal level is insufficient for the AfD. The party has exhibited more success in terms of its potential at the state level, as attested by surveys that have placed them around 30 percent and in the lead for several months. The Thuringian AfD has been branded reliably right-wing extremist by the state constitution protection and is under observation.

Expert Anticipates CDU Success

Lembcke expects the CDU to triumph in the runoff elections on June 9th, thanks to cross-party alliances against the AfD. "The AfD hasbotched matters terribly due to the dismal image it has projected recently," he commented, alluding to the numerous scandals plaguing the AfD.

The party has hit a rough patch on the federal level. The reasons for its decline include remarks by AfD European election candidate Maximilian Krah about the SS and a spy affair involving one of his aides. Authorities are currently investigating AfD's number two for the European elections, Petr Bystron, for suspected bribery and money laundering.

The CDU, which has been strongly established at the local level in Thuringia historically, has preserved its standing and is vying for several Landrat positions. The state capital Erfurt is in contention for a change of control after 18 years of SPD administration. The CDU has also implemented a generational change in several regions. Notable retirements include Werner Henning (Eichsfeld) and Martina Schweinsburg (Greiz, both CDU), who opted not to run again due to age limitations.

Potential for AfD Influence in Municipal Assemblies

Lembcke observed that the AfD will acquire additional seats in various councils, from district assemblies to city and municipal councils. "It will only become increasingly challenging to exclude them, and at some point, it might no longer be possible. That's not unexpected for a party that consistently ranks around 30 percent." With their enhanced influence in municipal assemblies, the topic of the Wall will "fundamentally become a metaphor that has become a burden for the CDU."

The AfD will garner more "pressure power", "be able to participate", said Lembcke. "They will be able to exert more pressure that their proposals, their ideas are considered, that one discusses and votes with them." "I'd expect that they will be able to overcome their exclusion much more forcefully as a local power than before."

In Thuringia's elections for district councils and mayors of free cities, the CDU and AfD tallied almost identical vote shares after an initial count. After taking into account more than two-thirds of the voting districts, the CDU held 27.5 percent of the votes, while the AfD had 27.0 percent. The Left, SPD, and Greens, who make up the state government in Thuringia, experienced a decline in voter support.

Over 1.74 million citizens voted in Thuringia's municipal elections on Sunday. Thirteen of 17 district presidencies were up for grabs, as well as the mayors of free cities. Additionally, district councils, municipal and city councils, and both voluntary and professional mayors were contested.

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