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In Thuringia, May saw 120 liters of rainfall per square meter.

Thuringia residents experienced a wet and warm May, receiving over 120 liters of rain per square meter, which is approximately 80% more than the average amount, according to the German Weather Service (DWD). Precipitation exceeded 150 liters per square meter in some highland regions.

Visitors to the 103rd German Catholic Day walk along the cathedral steps in pouring rain.
Visitors to the 103rd German Catholic Day walk along the cathedral steps in pouring rain.

Tempest Rages - In Thuringia, May saw 120 liters of rainfall per square meter.

The number of sunshine hours was slightly less than the average of 195, at 190 hours recorded. The typical temperature was seen at 14.5 degrees.

Across the entire country, May experienced a considerable increase in rainwater, averaging 125 liters per square meter. This resulted in flooding in several federal states.

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