- In this occurrence, a motorist endured severe injuries following a crash with a large truck.
In the Westerwald district, a 44-year-old female endured significant damage in a crash involving her automobile and a truck. As reported by authorities, she was heading towards Ransbach-Baumbach when, for reasons unexplained, her car veered off the road to the left near the entrance of an industrial zone. The vehicle clashed with an oncoming truck.
The woman's car got caught between a barrier and the truck. Emergency responders managed to free her from the vehicle through the back passenger door. Following on-site medical care, she was transported to a hospital with serious but non-fatal injuries. The 54-year-old truck driver emerged unscathed. The state road was blocked for approximately an hour due to rescue efforts, and then partially obstructed.
The woman's damaged car was towed away after the accident. Despite the severe impact, she was fortunate to drive a sturdy car that withstood the crash.