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In this election, Austria's Freedom Party manages to clinch the first far-right triumph at the national level since the conclusion of World War II.

In the aftermath of Sundays voting, the Freedom Party clinched the initial victory in Austria's post-WWII far-right national parliamentary elections. Surpassing the conservative ruling party, they capitalized on fears surrounding immigration, inflation, Ukraine, and other concerns. However,...

In Vienna, Austria, on September 29, 2024, following the conclusion of the country's national...
In Vienna, Austria, on September 29, 2024, following the conclusion of the country's national election, Herbert Kickl, head of the Freedom Party, enthusiastically greets his loyal followers.

In this election, Austria's Freedom Party manages to clinch the first far-right triumph at the national level since the conclusion of World War II.

Initial official statistics indicated the Freedom Party securing the top spot with a 29.2% vote share, with Chancellor Karl Nehammer's Austrian People's Party trailing closely behind at 26.5%. The center-left Social Democrats finished in third place, garnering 21% of the votes. The outgoing government, a coalition of Nehammer's party and the environmentalist Greens, lost its majority in the lower house of parliament.

Herbert Kickl, currently leading the Freedom Party and a veteran campaign strategist since 2021, aspires to become Austria's new leader. However, to attain this position, he would require a coalition partner to secure a parliamentary majority. Opposing parties have expressed their disinclination to collaborate with Kickl in government.

The far-right has profited from dissatisfaction over high inflation, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also capitalized on concerns related to immigration.

In its election manifesto, titled "Fortress Austria," the Freedom Party advocates for "repatriation of unwelcome foreigners," the promotion of a "more unified" nation through stringent border control and the temporary suspension of asylum rights using an emergency law.

The Freedom Party also advocates for the cessation of sanctions against Russia, keenly criticizes Western military aid to Ukraine, and expresses a desire to exit the European Sky Shield Initiative, a missile defense initiative launched by Germany. Kickl has criticized the "elites" in Brussels and calls for some powers to be returned from the European Union to Austria.

During a televised appearance with other party leaders, Kickl stated, "We don't need to alter our stance, as we have consistently expressed our readiness to lead the government, to drive change in Austria alongside the people." He further asked opposing parties to "evaluate their own democratic convictions," implying they should "ponder the results."

Nehammer expressed regret over his party's failure to secure first place but acknowledged improving from lower poll ratings. He has repeatedly declared his unwillingness to form a coalition with Kickl and reiterated his stance after the election.

Over 6.3 million individuals were eligible to vote for Austria's new parliament, an EU member known for its military neutrality policy.

Since Austria's last parliamentary election in 2019, Kickl has orchestrated a remarkable turnaround for the Freedom Party. In June, the party emerged triumphant in a nationwide vote for the first time in the European Parliament election, contributing to gains for other European far-right parties.

Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders congratulated the Freedom Party on social media platform X on Sunday. Alice Weidel, a co-leader of the Alternative for Germany party, also extended her congratulations.

The Freedom Party experienced its most successful result to date in a national parliamentary election on Sunday, surpassing the 26.9% it achieved in 1999.

In 2019, the Freedom Party's support plummeted to 16.2% following a scandal that led to the collapse of the government, in which it was a junior partner. Vice chancellor and Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache resigned following the public release of a secretly recorded video in which he seemed to offer favors to a supposed Russian investor.

The leader of the Social Democrats, a party that had led many post-World War II Austrian governments, positioned himself as a polar opposite to Kickl, ruling out collaboration with the far right and labeling Kickl as a "threat to democracy."

While the Freedom Party made a comeback, Nehammer's People's Party saw a significant decline in its popularity compared to 2019. Support for the Greens, their coalition partner, also plunged to 8%.

During the election campaign, Nehammer presented his party as the "solid center" that would guarantee stability amid multiple crises. However, crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and resulting soaring energy prices and inflation also contributed to its loss of support. The government also garnered criticism from Austrians in 2022 for implementing a short-lived coronavirus vaccine mandate, the first in Europe.

However, the recent flooding caused by Storm Boris that affected Austria and other countries may have slightly helped Nehammer reclaim some support as an effective crisis manager.

The People's Party serves as the far-right's only pathway into government, and now holds the key to forming any administration.

Nehammer consistently declined the possibility of joining a Kickl-led government, describing him as a "security risk" for the country, but did not completely dismiss the notion of a coalition with the Freedom Party, which would necessitate Kickl relinquishing a government role. However, this appears increasingly unlikely with the Freedom Party securing first place.

Alternatively, an alliance between the People's Party and the Social Democrats - with or without the liberal Neos, who garnered 9% of the votes - could be a possibility.

A final official result will be published later in the week after the counting of a small number of remaining postal ballots, which is expected to not significantly alter the outcome.

Approximately 300 protesters rallied outside Austria's parliament building in Vienna on Sunday evening, displaying placards with slogans including "Kickl is a Nazi."

The Freedom Party's success in Austria could potentially shift the political landscape beyond its borders, as historical election winners have often had significant influence on global affairs. As Europe's third largest economy, Austria's stance towards immigration, EU policies, and international conflicts could impact the world at large.

Moreover, the Freedom Party's stance on geopolitical issues, such as its desire to exit the European Sky Shield Initiative and its support for Russia, could have implications for foreign relations, potentially affecting the balance of power in Europe and beyond.

In Vienna, Austria, on September 29, 2024, Herbert Kickl, head of the Freedom Party, is photographed alongside his backers, following the conclusion of the nation's general election.

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