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In the Wadden Sea, seals are being tallied.

What's the status of seals in the Wadden Sea? This question will be addressed by the yearly aerial count of these creatures, with the initial flights imminent.

Seals and gray seals lie on a sandbank.
Seals and gray seals lie on a sandbank.

Protecting the natural environment - In the Wadden Sea, seals are being tallied.

Weeks of counting seals in Lower Saxon Wadden Sea start from Tuesday. It's planned to execute ten flights in five consecutive days, announced the Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety from Lower Saxony. The final flight is set for August 13th. Collaboration between the hunters, scientists, and professionals from the Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety will take place during the counting process.

Yearly counts of seals take place simultaneous in Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark, and the Netherlands. The growth of population can be spotted by the scientists and professionals to analyze how it's evolving. "Seals are an essential bioindicator for the exceptional Wadden Sea ecosystem," described the Office. In Lower Saxony, a plane will fly from the Norddeich airport in Aurich district and another one from the Mariensiel airport in Friesland district.

Announcement for the monitoring: [Link]

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