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In the local parliamentary election contest, Kretschmer found support.

In the 2019 electoral district of Görlitz 2, the Minister President of Saxony recorded enhanced voting support, surpassing his results from the same year.

The regional leader, Michael Kretschmer, upheld the straight-from-the-source authority in his...
The regional leader, Michael Kretschmer, upheld the straight-from-the-source authority in his electoral district.

- In the local parliamentary election contest, Kretschmer found support.

In the recent state election, Saxony's leading figure and the CDU's top choice, Michael Kretschmer, secured a direct mandate. According to data on the Saxony state website, Kretschmer garnered an impressive 47.2% of the direct votes in the Goerlitz 2 district. The AfD's Sebastian Wippel finished a close second with 39.4% of the votes.

Five years prior, Kretschmer also clinched victory in the Goerlitz 2 constituency, with 45.9% of the electorate backing him.

Kretschmer celebrated another victory in Goerlitz 2 five years later, achieving 45.9% of the votes just like in 20X. During his tenure as Saxony's leader, he often visited significant cities, such as Dresden.

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