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In the judiciary, over 200,000 files have been converted into digital form via e-filing.

Since the arrival of electronic documents in the Brandenburg justice system, approximately 226,000 files in regular courts have been transformed into digital format. The Ministry of Justice tells the German Press Agency that these electronic files occupy less than 6.5 terabytes of storage...

A screen hangs on the wall in a courtroom in the district court.
A screen hangs on the wall in a courtroom in the district court.

By 2022, the digital file system had made its way into civil, guardianship, and family cases in Brandenburg's ordinary courts. Twenty-three district courts in the region have adopted the system, with the remaining one biding its time.

Justice Minister Susanne Hoffmann (CDU) was present at the launch of the e-file for specialized courts in the Cottbus branch of the Berlin-Brandenburg Finance Court. This event was meant to pave the way for introducing the digital system across all specialized courts. With the Berlin-Brandenburg Finance Court's successful integration, the process of implementing the e-file across all specialized courts would be well underway.

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