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In the European elections, the SPD is the most powerful party in Bremerhaven.

In Bremerhaven, the SPD emerges victorious in the European elections, though they suffered losses. One specific party experienced notable growth in the area.

European flags fly in front of the EU Commission headquarters.
European flags fly in front of the EU Commission headquarters.

Voting Events - In the European elections, the SPD is the most powerful party in Bremerhaven.

The Social Democrats (SPD) have emerged as the most powerful party in Bremerhaven for the European election, despite experiencing some losses. As stated by the state election committee last night, all polling stations in the city have been counted. Consequently, the SPD garnered 23.3%, which is a marginal decrease from the 2019 European elections.

The second strongest force was the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), with 20.8%, registering only a minor decline. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) earned 17.2%, a considerable increase compared to the results of their last election. The Greens somehow managed to secure nearly 10%, albeit a notable slump from the previous figure of 18.3%. The Left Party began from nothing, achieving 6.3%. The Free Democratic Party (FDP) encountered minor losses, attaining 4.7%. In stark contrast to its 2019 performance, the Left Party's 3.2% result is significantly poorer.

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