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In the education system associated with healthcare, one in eight students is a foreigner.

455 schools in the healthcare sector of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) prepare the next generation of workers. One in every eight students surveyed holds a foreign passport, with particularly high percentages observed in two specific training programs.

Nursing staff in recognition Emad Hashem from Egypt (l-r) and Kaouther Toumi from Tunisia take part...
Nursing staff in recognition Emad Hashem from Egypt (l-r) and Kaouther Toumi from Tunisia take part in practical training on personal hygiene.

Learning Processes - In the education system associated with healthcare, one in eight students is a foreigner.

In schools related to healthcare in North Rhine-Westphalia, foreign students make up around 12% of the total student population, as per a report by the local Statistical Office. This figure rises significantly to 30% for nursing assistant courses and 27% for pharmaceutical-technical assistant courses. On the other hand, the number of foreign students in physiotherapy, ergotherapy, and emergency medical services courses is lower than the average at 5.7%, 3.5%, and 0.4% respectively.

To understand this better, it's worth noting that North Rhine-Westphalia's population comprises 17% foreigners. A total of 385 out of 455 healthcare sector schools contributed to this voluntary survey, reporting data on 16,510 individuals. Out of these, 69% were women. The percentage of women was even higher for pharmaceutical-technical assistants (81%) and ergotherapy (80%), while in emergency medical services training, women accounted for 28.4%.

Most notably, foreigners are those who don't possess German citizenship. To put things into perspective, the region's non-German populace totalled 17% at the end of 2022.

Read also:

  1. Foreign students seeking education in healthcare-related fields in Düsseldorf, which is located in North Rhine-Westphalia, contribute a substantial percentage to the student population.
  2. The State Office in North Rhine-Westphalia conducted a survey, revealing that foreigners account for a significant portion of healthcare education students, particularly in nursing assistant and pharmaceutical-technical assistant courses.
  3. Organizations offering healthcare education in Düsseldorf, part of North Rhine-Westphalia, collaborated in a voluntary survey, reporting data on more than 16,000 individuals, most of whom were women.
  4. The survey findings highlighted that foreigners, often non-German citizens, made up a notable percentage of North Rhine-Westphalia's total healthcare education student population, contributing to the internationalization of education in Düsseldorf.

