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In the current scenario, the coalition has yet to garner a majority in Saxony.

Initial findings support the predictions: The former dominant alliance in Dresden no longer holds a majority control.

In the Saxon legislative assembly, the CDU maintains its position as the most dominant political...
In the Saxon legislative assembly, the CDU maintains its position as the most dominant political power.

- In the current scenario, the coalition has yet to garner a majority in Saxony.

The former coalition of CDU, Greens, and SPD no longer holds a majority in the fresh state parliament, as shown by the seat allocation details revealed by the election overseer for the preliminary results of the recent state election. The trio of parties heading the coalition, with Michael Kretschmer (CDU) as Minister President, collectively hold 57 out of 120 seats.

The CDU secures the most seats with 42 (previously 45), followed closely by the AfD with 41 mandates (previously 38). The political alliance "Stand Up!" headed by Sahra Wagenknecht gets 15 seats. The SPD manages 9 seats (previously 10), both parties receiving 6 seats each. Die Linke obtains 14 seats and the Greens, 10 seats, in this new parliamentary typicality. Lastly, the Free Voters secure a sole seat in parliament through Matthias Berger's direct win in Landkreis Leipzig.

In light of the new seat distribution, the CDU now has the opportunity to pursue an 'Election to the Landtag' with potential alliance partners, aiming to gain the necessary majority to form a new coalition in the state parliament. Despite the CDU losing some seats in the state election, they still hold the largest number of mandates, making them a key player in any potential coalition negotiations.

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