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In the BR-Wahlarena, politicians address people's inquiries.

On "Wahl-Arena" of Bavarian television, European politicians Thomas Rudner (SPD), Markus Buchheit (AfD), and Christine Singer (Freie Wähler) addressed queries regarding asylum policy, milk packaging, agricultural policy, and minimum wage on Wednesday night. They remained consistent with the...

The Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) logo can be seen on the broadcasting center.
The Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) logo can be seen on the broadcasting center.

Nuremberg: Trials of War Criminals - In the BR-Wahlarena, politicians address people's inquiries.

Buchheit and Rudner are already members of the European Parliament, while Singer, a farmer from Bavaria, is running for office for the first time in the election on June 9th. On the following Wednesday, Weber, the top candidate for CSU, and Wörle, a Green politician, will address another BR election event in Regensburg.

Before the "election arena," there was discussion about inviting the AfD. The originally invited controversial AfD representative, Petr Bystron, canceled last minute, prompting Buchheit to take his place. Some audience members voiced opposition to the invitation. BR's head editor, Christian Nitsche, who served as the moderator, mentioned that public broadcasting adheres to guidelines during election broadcasts.

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