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In the area of Spree-Neiße, the AfD holds significance, while the SPD and Greens are prominent in Potsdam.

In the European elections, the AfD had its best performance in southern Brandenburg. Potsdam serves as a base for several political parties.

Brandenburg's state returning officer Herbert Trimbach explains the results of the local and...
Brandenburg's state returning officer Herbert Trimbach explains the results of the local and European elections.

Upcoming European elections - In the area of Spree-Neiße, the AfD holds significance, while the SPD and Greens are prominent in Potsdam.

The AfD secured the highest number of votes in the European elections in Brandenburg's Spree-Neiße district, amounting to 37.8%. Their poorest performance occurred in Potsdam, where they obtained 13.6% of the votes. According to the state election chief Herbert Trimbach, the CDU had their highest share in the Havelland district (22.9%) while their lowest was in Potsdam (14.3%). The SPD's best result was in the state capital (15.3%), but it dropped to just 10.2% in the Elbe-Elster district.

The Greens attained their highest vote count in Potsdam (15.5%), while their worst performance was in Spree-Neiße, with only 2.1% of the votes. The Left had their highest share in Potsdam and Frankfurt (Oder) (6.6% each), but they only managed 3.1% of the votes in Spree-Neiße. The FDP obtained their strongest result in Potsdam-Mittelmark (4.9%) and their worst in the Uckermark (2.1%).

The AfD amassed 27.5% in the preliminary results of the European elections in Brandenburg, while the CDU ranked second at 18.4%. The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) placed third with 13.8%, followed closely by the SPD at 13.1%. The Greens earned 6.0%, the Left 4.4%, and the FDP 3.2%. Voter turnout was considerably higher than the previous election, reaching 67.5%. Concurrently, local elections also took place.

Read also:

  1. In contrast to the European elections in Potsdam, where the SPD and Greens stood out, the FDP saw their best result in Potsdam-Mittelmark.
  2. The AfD obtained their lowest vote share in the European elections in the District of Potsdam, significantly lower than their performance in Brandenburg's District of Spree-Neiße.
  3. Herbert Trimbach, the state election chief, reported that while the CDU had strong support in the Havelland district, they struggled in both Potsdam and the District of Spree-Neisse.
  4. In the District of Havelland, the CDU achieved a higher share of the votes than any other party in the European elections, while the AfD secured a majority in the District of Spree-Neisse.
  5. The SPD, the second-largest party in Brandenburg during the European elections, gained more votes in the state capital of Potsdam than in the Elbe-Elster district, but fell behind in the District of Spree-Neisse.
  6. Alliance 90/The Greens performed poorly in the District of Spree-Neisse during the European elections, earning only 2.1% of the votes, whereas they gained significant support in Potsdam with 15.5%.
  7. In the District of South Brandenburg amid the European elections, the SPD and Greens encountered stiff competition from the FDP, CDU, AfD, and the Left, reflecting the plurality of political views present in the EU member state.

