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In Saxony, the number of pharmacies is still decreasing.

Industry insiders note that the number of pharmacies in Saxony is on the decline. Patients in areas like Bautzen, Görlitz, and Vogtland may now have to travel longer distances to reach the nearest pharmacy, according to Göran Donner, President of the State Chamber of Pharmacists, speaking on...

Das Apothekenzeichen hängt an einer Hausfassade.
Das Apothekenzeichen hängt an einer Hausfassade.

Data Analysis - In Saxony, the number of pharmacies is still decreasing.

Information suggests that closures are impacting both rural areas and cities. Where there were 1002 local pharmacies in Saxony in 2011, there are now reportedly only 895. Over the past seven years, 90 pharmacies in Saxony have permanently shut down, equaling a loss of almost 10%. Saxony's pharmacy density of 22 pharmacies per 100,000 residents is already lower than the European average of 32. Factors causing these closures include inflation, increased personnel and energy costs, supply issues, and an influx of bureaucratic regulations.

Thomas Dittrich, chairman of the Saxon Pharmacists' Association, voiced his concerns saying, "Unless politics takes quick action and provides economic stability to maintain and fortify widespread coverage, pharmacy closures will persist." Based on this, approximately 10% of Saxony's pharmacies are operating with deficits, while another 30% are in a financial crisis and could potentially shut down in the near future.

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