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In Saxony, the CDU has taken the lead over the AfD, prompting celebrations at the BSW.

The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) maintains a narrow lead, but the Alternative for Germany (AfD) is surpassing its impressive 2019 performance, and the Free Voters (BSW) are celebrating over 12% support. Could this be sufficient for the CDU, Greens, and SPD's coalition continuation?

In a tight contest, both the AfD and CDU are vying for the lead in the upcoming state election.
In a tight contest, both the AfD and CDU are vying for the lead in the upcoming state election.

Upcoming Electoral Contest in the State, 2024 - In Saxony, the CDU has taken the lead over the AfD, prompting celebrations at the BSW.

Festivities at CDU, AfD, and BSW, Muted Response from The Left, Joyful SPD: As per predictions for the Saxony state election, the CDU is currently barely ruling over the AfD. Despite experiencing slight reductions compared to the prior election, the Union headed by Minister President Michael Kretschmer is barely hanging on to its lead, with the race between CDU and AfD being quite close. However, tension within the party is prevalent, given the significant gains made by the AfD. Will there be a continuation of the existing black-green-red coalition? Collaboration with the AfD had been denied by the parties.

The new coalition spearheaded by Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) finished third, with the SPD significantly trailing behind. The Greens are on the brink of missing out on a seat in the state parliament, while The Left fails to surpass the five-percent hurdle and may potentially lose its parliamentary status.

CDU edge ahead of AfD

In both predictions, the CDU was last observed narrowly ahead of the AfD, with Infratest Dimap (ARD) and the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (ZDF) both displaying the party at approximately one percentage point ahead. The CDU thus comes in at 31.5 to 31.8 percent, while the AfD is at 30.4 to 30.8 percent.

Euphoric atmosphere at AfD

When Minister President Michael Kretschmer emerged at the CDU celebration following the initial projections, he was greeted like a pop star. "This won't be simple," Kretschmer admitted. "But one point is certain: With numerous conversations and the determination to do something for this land, it is possible to provide Saxony with a stable government that serves the land and moves forward with humility." The CDU is prepared to carry on bearing responsibility. For Culture Minister Christian Piwarz, it is evident that numerous individuals in Saxony desired Kretschmer to remain as Minister President.

In the AfD camp, which is considered firmly right-wing extremist by the Saxon Office for the Protection of the Constitution, a nearly euphoric atmosphere prevailed. AfD leader Joerg Urban expressed hopes for a "blue miracle." However, the most exuberance was not for their own results, but for the poor performance of the Greens.

As the night wore on, it became increasingly evident that the AfD's ascension to the first position was unlikely to materialize. AfD state parliamentary vice-president Andre Wendt admitted that he had anticipated a better result. Nevertheless, AfD federal chairman Tino Chrupalla spoke of a "very good result."

BSW not an "option" for current Minister President

The atmosphere at the BSW election party was joyful. The leading duo of Sabine Zimmermann and Joerg Richter were applauded by BSW supporters for minutes on end. Both considered reaching 12 percent as a historic triumph. Richter emphasized that they were not aiming to be the "option" for the current Minister President. "With us, there will only be a new beginning. We will not be the majority formers," said Zimmermann regarding potential coalition talks.

The Saxon SPD expressed considerable relief following the announcement of the initial election forecasts. SPD lead candidate Petra Kopping stated that she was gratified to have the "really tough election campaign" behind her. She reminded that her party had been at three percent in polls at the beginning of the year. SPD party leader Henning Homann spoke of a "small success."

The Left finds the loss of its former strength painful.

The mood at The Left's election party was significantly dampened. Initial hopes of achieving a respectable result had largely vanished by the time the initial projections came in. Co-state chairman Stefan Hartmann called for a fundamental overhaul of the party. The loss of former strength in the new federal states was particularly painful. However, since The Left is likely to win direct mandates in two Leipzig constituencies, they may potentially still enter the state parliament due to the so-called basic mandate clause. According to the projections, they will not likely surpass the five percent hurdle.

Greens: Election outcome not what Saxony deserves

At the Greens' election party, Saxon Greens state chairwoman Christin Furtenbacher said, "This election outcome is not – one must say this very clearly – what the people in Saxony deserve." However, there was also cheering later when the top trio of Katja Meier, Wolfram Günther, and Franziska Schubert discussed the results. Many political forces had attempted to suppress the Greens with all their might, said faction chairwoman Schubert. "What did we do? We remained at the top," she concluded to applause.

Infratest Dimap and Forschungsgruppe Wahlen agree on CDU's lead over AfD

In the election predictions from both Infratest Dimap (ARD) and Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (ZDF), the CDU was observed to have a narrow lead over the AfD, with estimates ranging from 31.5 to 31.8 percent for the CDU and 30.4 to 30.8 percent for the AfD.

BSW grateful for historical result, not aiming for coalition

During their election celebration, the leading duo of Sabine Zimmermann and Joerg Richter of the BSW were applauded for reaching 12 percent, considered a historical triumph by the party. However, they clarified that they were not aiming to be the "option" for the current Minister President, and planned for a "new beginning" if coalition talks were ever initiated.

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