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In Petersdotter's view, the North offers multiple prospects.

The economically underdeveloped North could witness a gradual improvement in comparison to the thriving South, asserted Green Party leader Petersdotter.

Lasse Petersdotter (Alliance 90/The Greens), leader of the parliamentary group, speaks at a session...
Lasse Petersdotter (Alliance 90/The Greens), leader of the parliamentary group, speaks at a session of the Landtag.

Legislative institution This headline can be rephrased as: The meeting place for legislators to debate and pass laws. - In Petersdotter's view, the North offers multiple prospects.

Green party leader Lasse Petersdotter in Schleswig-Holstein is optimistic about the prospects of renewable energy, saying it will bring significant economic benefits in the near future. The region has discovered a valuable resource, according to Petersdotter, who spoke with the German Press Agency. The chairman of the Green state parliamentary group explained, "With wind energy, Schleswig-Holstein is experiencing prosperity. This creates the foundation for an overall economic revival."

In the wake of the latest announcement, Northvolt, a battery manufacturer building a facility in Heide, proudly declared that their plant would be powered by renewable energy. The stability of the political system, with no far-right AfD party in the state parliament, was also a selling point for the location. Petersdotter believes these factors will help Schleswig-Holstein attract more international companies.

According to Petersdotter, this period marks the beginning of a "Nordic decade" where the region can shine. "We are all very optimistic about this because we've been lagging behind in many areas." The Green party has been a long-time supporter of wind energy, and he says they have been successful in their efforts. The state now generates more renewable energy than it needs.

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The German Parliament has shown support for the Green party's economic policy focused on renewable energies, recognizing the potential of Schleswig-Holstein in this field. The German Press Agency reported that the Green state parliamentary group in Schleswig-Holstein advocates for the expansion of alternative energies, citing the region's success with wind energy as an example. This positive stance towards renewable energies has attracted international companies to consider investing in the region, with Northvolt's battery facility in Heide as a notable example.



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