Predicted weather conditions - In North Rhine-Westphalia, several areas experience clouds and temperatures over 20 degrees.
On Saturdays in North Rhine-Westphalia, the weather often alters, with occasional cloud cover in the northwest. Showers may pop up in the Lower Rhine to Minden area. The DWD (German Weather Service) predicts highs ranging from 18 degrees in the northwest to 22 degrees in Cologne Bay. Winds are mild. On Sundays, the weather is also expected to shift with sporadic heavy clouds in the region. Rainfall is possible in northern North Rhine-Westphalia, the DWD added. The thermometer will record a maximum temperature of 17 to 20 degrees. Up in the highlands, it will be cooler, with 14 degrees. The wind breeze is gentle.
DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) weather forecast.
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In the North Rhine-Westphalia region, the DWD forecasts variable weather conditions on Sundays, with scattered heavy clouds and potential rainfall in the northern areas, keeping the temperature between 17 and 20 degrees. On certain days in NRW, as in Cologne Bay, the temperature may even surpass 20 degrees, while areas closer to the Lower Rhine and Minden might encounter occasional showers. The Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) is responsible for providing these weather forecasts.