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In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a survey reveals that the AfD remains ahead of the SPD and CDU.

Amidst unfavorable coverage on two of its high-profile EU politicians, the AfD remains in the lead for voter support in MV. Nevertheless, its position has weakened slightly when contrasted to prior surveys. The Left Party faces a potential crisis.

The party preferences of voters in MV have shifted noticeably since the state elections in...
The party preferences of voters in MV have shifted noticeably since the state elections in September 2021.

Political Affairs - In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a survey reveals that the AfD remains ahead of the SPD and CDU.

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, voters' choices have changed substantially since the state elections in September 2021. The most recent voter survey conducted by Insa on behalf of the "Nordkurier" now confirms that Manuela Schwesig's SPD has experienced a substantial drop in support.

The survey reveals that the SPD received 23%, which pales in comparison to their 39.6% victory three years ago. As a result, the AfD has made significant strides, with their share rising from 16.7% to 25%—outpacing the SPD.

The CDU, too, has recovered from its poor showing in the previous election and now has 20% of votes—growing closer to the SPD. In the fall of 2021, the Union party had been at a low point with 13.3% of votes.

Besides the SPD, the Left Party, a coalition partner in the survey, has experienced a considerable voter backlash. The party saw its vote share halve, and it's now at risk of being voted out of the state parliament with a mere 5%.

Meanwhile, the breakaway party from the Left, the BSW (Alternative for Germany), is attracting 14% of potential voters. The Greens and FDP, with 6% and 4% respectively, are on the cusp of meeting the 5% threshold for representation.

The survey findings have limited bearing on the upcoming municipal elections on Sunday. Interviews were conducted on state election voting intentions, and municipal elections often feature distinct criteria. Moreover, the BSW, which doesn't yet have a state-level organization in MV, will only participate in municipal elections in certain regions.

As per "Nordkurier," the survey drew responses from 1,000 fully-grown adults in the state between May 27th and June 3rd.

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