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In local elections, CDU and AfD are in a close contest.

Five years ago, the CDU dominated in nearly all districts and independent cities of Saxony-Anhalt, but today the AfD has taken the lead in numerous locations.

Numerous election workers are busy counting the postal votes for the European elections.
Numerous election workers are busy counting the postal votes for the European elections.

Local government entities - In local elections, CDU and AfD are in a close contest.

During the local elections in Saxony-Anhalt, a tight contest is unfolding between the CDU and the AfD. So far, approximately 50% of the 2597 voting districts have been counted, with the AfD garnering approximately 29% of the votes statewide, and the CDU amassing 27.6%. The AfD has managed to garner considerably more votes than in the previous local elections in 2019. Meanwhile, the Left, SPD, FDP, and Greens have experienced voter losses in some areas. Minor parties have even managed to secure the third-highest number of votes across the state.

In certain districts, shifting alliances can be observed. In previous local elections for district and city councils in free cities, the CDU dominated the scene, winning the most votes nearly everywhere. The exception was the Mansfeld-Südharz district, where the AfD triumphed, and the city of Halle, where the Left gained the most votes. As per preliminary results, the AfD might emerge as the leading party in several regions including Stendal, Altmarkkreis Salzwedel, Salzlandkreis, Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Mansfeld-Südharz, Halle, Saalekreis, and Burgenlandkreis. However, the CDU leads in Magdeburg, the Harz, and the districts of Börde and Wittenberg.

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The city council election in Saxony-Anhalt is seen as a significant event within Germany's local elections landscape. The preliminary counting results show a competitive race between the CDU and the AfD, with the AfD currently leading by a small margin. The EU and other European nations are closely watching these local elections, as they can indicate broader trends and shifts in German politics. In the upcoming county council elections, the competition between the CDU and the AfD is expected to continue. Some municipalities, traditionally dominated by the CDU, have seen a rise in AfD support, while others have maintained their loyalty to the CDU.

