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In House and Garden: What helps against pushy wasps?

Sea-specters from the air

Yes, are you getting nervous with this sight? Many people are afraid of wasp stings.
Yes, are you getting nervous with this sight? Many people are afraid of wasp stings.

In House and Garden: What helps against pushy wasps?

Once the cake is placed on the table, the first wasps are already buzzing over the coffee table on the terrace. Tips and tricks around annoying table guests.

Do you want to drink lemonade in the garden, eat cake or put a steak on the plate? All that attracts wasps in late summer inevitably. They are everywhere. This annoys - and causes fear in many people, being stung.

But can one actually keep these insects away from the table or the house - and how do you get rid of them? Answers to the most important questions.

Why do wasps come to our table so often in late summer?

First of all, it's good to know: In Germany, there are several state-forming wasp species, but only two species that fly after food and beverages and disturb us with it: the Common Wasp and the German Wasp. In the spring, these wasps start nesting, but in late summer, many animals are particularly active there - the nest is full.

And that means: The food is scarce, and wasps go in search of delicacies. Sweet-smelling substances, such as cake, jam, or sauces, attract them magically. However, older wasps prefer sugary and carbohydrate-rich food, according to Tarja Richter from the Bavarian Bird and Nature Conservation Association (LBV). For their brood, wasps are on protein-rich foods like meat and sausages. Everything that lies uncovered in the open, flies attract them - including grilled meat.

What can we do to keep wasps away?

Don't tempt them in the first place. "Eat outside as much as possible covered and close sweet drinks," says Laura Breitkreuz from the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (Nabu). Sweet-smelling particles, cakes, desserts, meat, and sausages should be kept inside as much as possible. Ideally, bring the food directly to the coffee table or dinner table on the terrace or in the garden - and clear away leftovers as soon as possible.

Another idea: Use decoy feeding. "Place a bowl with a heap of jam or sliced, overripe grapes, for example, about five to ten meters from the dining table," says Tarja Richter from the LBV. Those who want to protect meat and sausage products can, for example, lay out a slice of cooked ham as bait a few meters from the grill or dining table.

Aromatic oils in scented candles or lamps should repel wasps. Try it out with aromatic oils like birch or lavender oil, which you can put in a small bowl and place near the dining table or grill. Another tip: Use smoky incense. "Wasps dislike the smell and stay away," says Laura Breitkreuz. Fresh lavender is also said to keep wasps at a distance. Hang a bouquet of lavender next to the dining table.

Important: Pay particular attention to children, ensuring that their mouths are not smeared with jam or other sweets. The smell could attract wasps. By the way, the same applies to fallen fruit. Collect this regularly - and cover your compost with a few shovels of sand. Once the insects have been attracted, it's not far to the covered table.

Those who want to keep wasps away from themselves outside should also avoid fragrant creams or perfumes. They can attract wasps just as much as the smell of furniture polish. Perhaps you should therefore do without it before the next barbecue party.

"If nothing helps - and the wasps are buzzing merrily about?" says Laura Breitkreuz from NABU. Whoever turns around, achieves exactly the opposite: Insects react aggressively and may sting even more. In addition, animals can sense human fear. The sweat caused by fear alerts the insects. "Farting is not a good idea either," says Tarja Richter. Because the carbon dioxide in our breath makes the animals aggressive.

According to LBV, there are things we can do to prevent encounters with wasps: spraying the insect with water from a spray bottle. A few sprays should be enough. Wasps don't like rain, they consider it in a spray mist with this, ideally they return to their nest.

What can be done to keep wasps out of the apartment?

"Fly screens at the door and window can help," says Richter. In addition, one should use garbage cans with lids and dispose of garbage as quickly as possible. Wasps like to use our waste.

If a wasp has gotten into the house, the same applies: keep calm. Carefully place a glass over the insect and slide a piece of paper under it as a base. This way, the wasp can be safely taken outside again. By the way, wasps may not be killed without good reason. They are protected as wild living animals according to the Bundesnaturschutzgesetz.

After discovering the attractiveness of sweet and protein-rich foods to wasps, it's crucial to keep such items covered when dining outside to prevent unwanted visits. As Tarja Richter from the LBV suggests, placing a bowl of jam or overripe grapes a few meters away from the dining table can divert wasps towards decoy feeding.

When trying to keep wasps away from the apartment, implementing fly screens at doors and windows, and using garbage cans with lids, can significantly help reduce their interest in your home. Richter also advises disposing of garbage promptly to minimize the appeal of waste to these insects.

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