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In future, medicines can also be collected from the pharmacy using the health insurance
In future, medicines can also be collected from the pharmacy using the health insurance

... in health and care?

The future remains uncertain. That much is certain. Apart from that, however, there will also be innovations and laws in the new year. These changes in the areas of health and care will then become important, as the North Rhine-Westphalia Consumer Advice Center, among others, informs us.

Changes to children's sick pay

At the end of the year, the special coronavirus regulations on children's sick pay will expire. For 2024 and 2025, children's sick pay will now be paid for 15 days per parent in the event of illness. Before coronavirus, it was ten days. Single parents can now claim up to 30 days per child. Children's sick pay is intended for children up to the age of 12. In future, parents will no longer have to go straight to the doctor if a child falls ill in order to receive child sickness benefit. A confirmation from the pediatrician's office will only be required from the fourth day onwards.

Cannabis use becomes more legal - somewhat

The planned partial legalization of cannabis is expected to come into force in April 2024 at the earliest. The coalition parties are currently discussing the Federal Ministry of Health's draft law on the controlled use of the drug. According to the plans, an adult may then legally possess 25 grams of weed - even 50 grams in the private sector - and grow up to three plants at home. Cultivation agreements will also be possible.

E-prescription becomes mandatory

From January 1, doctors with a health insurance license will be obliged to issue an electronic prescription (e-prescription) instead of the pink prescription for prescription drugs. This also applies to dentists and psychotherapists with a health insurance license.

E-prescriptions are automatically stored in encrypted form on the so-called e-prescription server after being issued digitally in the doctor's surgery. They can then be retrieved from this central repository by the pharmacy when they are redeemed. People with statutory health insurance can redeem the e-prescription at the pharmacy in three ways: Either via the electronic health card or via the special e-prescription app from Gematik, the national agency for digital medicine, or with a simple paper printout including the e-prescription code.

If the e-prescription is to be retrieved via the health card, it must be inserted into the card reader at the pharmacy. To be able to redeem the e-prescription via the e-prescription app, a PIN from the health insurance company is required in addition to the NFC-enabled health card. The e-prescription can also be ordered online from a pharmacy of choice via the e-prescription app.

Mammography screenings to be extended

The age limit for mammography screening for the early detection of breast cancer is being raised: Previously, only women aged between 50 and 69 could take part every two years. In future, participation will be possible up to the age of 75. From July 1, 2024, women between the ages of 70 and 75 will be able to register for a screening appointment at a screening unit close to their home. The last screening mammogram must have been carried out at least 22 months ago. It is expected that all women aged 70 and over will receive a written invitation from 2026.

Improved care services

There will be some improvements for people in need of care and their relatives in 2024.

Care at home

From January 2024, care allowance and care benefits in kind will be increased by five percent. In future, employees will be entitled to receive care support allowance annually. Until now, care support allowance has been paid once by the care insurance fund during the need for care if employees providing care are absent from work for a short time (up to ten days) in an acute care situation. The entitlement is limited to acute events that occur suddenly and unexpectedly (for example, the organization of follow-up care after a hospital stay, in the event of an acute need for care or a sudden worsening of an existing need for care).

The right to information on care services will be extended from January 2024: Persons in need of care can obtain information from the long-term care insurance fund on benefits used and costs billed on a regular basis per calendar half-year.

For children and young adults in need of care up to the age of 25 with care grades 4 and 5, the entitlement to respite care will be extended from six to eight weeks. The pre-care period is no longer a prerequisite. In addition, short-term care benefits can be fully converted into respite care benefits. However, an increase in benefits is not initially planned. This will not follow until January 1, 2025.

From July 2024, the following will apply: If a carer wishes to take advantage of an inpatient preventive cure or medical rehabilitation, it will be easier to admit the person in need of care. Care can be provided by the same facility, an approved outpatient care facility or a fully inpatient care facility. At the request of the person concerned, the health and long-term care insurance fund will coordinate the care of the person in need of care.

Nursing home care

For nursing home residents, the service surcharges for care-related costs will be increased from January 1, 2024. The benefit supplements introduced in 2021 for residents' own contributions to care costs will increase as follows from January 1, 2024

  • in the first year by ten percentage points from five to 15 percent,
  • in the second year by five percentage points from 25 to 30 percent,
  • in the third year by five percentage points from 45% to 50% and
  • from the fourth year by five percentage points from 70% to 75%.

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