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In Germany, how many hedgehogs and moles can we find?

Everyone needs to tally.

Also threatened by robotic lawnmowers: hedgehogs are already on the Red List of Threatened Species.
Also threatened by robotic lawnmowers: hedgehogs are already on the Red List of Threatened Species.

In Germany, how many hedgehogs and moles can we find?

While hedgehogs and moles are familiar to every German child, they aren't commonly seen due to their nocturnal behavior and burrowing habits. This makes it challenging to understand their population and where they reside. To address this, a count campaign is asking for your assistance.

You might find these creatures in your garden or in the wild, but they're usually hard to spot. Hedgehogs are most active at dusk or at night, while moles are almost invisible, except for the mounds they create. Therefore, it's crucial to get a better handle on their numbers and locations.

From May 17th to May 27th, keep a lookout for moles and hedgehogs and report your sightings on the website. This information will help experts understand their distribution and, potentially, save these endangered creatures.

The hedgehog is currently on the Red List's early warning list, and it's struggling to find suitable habitats in urban areas because of traffic, lawn mowers, and the lack of natural gardens. Counting these animals will help us understand their current situation and take action to protect them.

The first counting campaign took place last year, and DGG 1822 (German Horticultural Society 1822) aims to make this an annual event, happening both in spring and fall. This effort will help monitor long-term population trends and preserve species.

Even if you can't spot an alive mole or hedgehog, look out for their mounds or any dead or injured specimens. These observations are equally valuable for the campaign. This project is a collaboration between NABU, the German Wildlife Foundation, the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, DGG 1822, and the Bavarian State Association for Bird and Nature Conservation.

Join the Campaign Today

Help gather essential information about the distribution of these creatures by participating in the campaign. Report your findings to between May 17th and May 27th. Together, we can make a difference and support efforts to preserve these animals.

Moles are a thorn in the side of some farmers and gardeners because of their mounds.

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