Preschools or Early Childhood Education Facilities - In case of an emergency, a daycare's group size may be increased.
In Notfällen, a kindergarten in Lower Saxony, there's a new rule that allows one more child to be cared for in each group. This regulation will remain in effect until July 2026, according to the State Chancellery in Hannover. The reason for this is to give kindergarten providers more security and stability, and to avoid having to disband existing groups.
This rule, known as the Kindergarten Emergency Regulation, was created with the intention of providing a place for children who have fled from Ukraine. It goes beyond the Fachkraft-Kind-Schlüssel, a guideline that sets the maximum number of children in a group at 25. Meanwhile, in crèches, the maximum is set at 15. However, trade unions are not happy about this additional burden on their staff.
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Due to the emergency situation, kindergartens in Lower Saxony, specifically in Hanover, have implemented a temporary rule allowing for an increase in group size. This is aimed at accommodating children who have fled from Ukraine. This rule exceeds the usual guidelines such as the Fachkraft-Kind-Schlüssel, which limits group size to 25 children in Kindergartens and 15 in crèches.
Despite this initiative, trade unions express concerns about the additional burden on staff in Kindergartens. The Kindergarten Emergency Regulation is a significant change in the usual operating procedures, particularly in the context of the preservation of existing groups and providing more security and stability for kindergarten providers.
The Kindergarten in Lower Saxony, in response to the emergency, has adopted this regulation until July 2026, as reported by the State Chancellery in Hannover.