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In a pro-Palestinian protest, a garbage can was set ablaze.

Ein Streifenwagen der Polizei steht mit eingeschaltetem Blaulicht auf der Straße.
Ein Streifenwagen der Polizei steht mit eingeschaltetem Blaulicht auf der Straße.

In the neighborhood of Neukölln, there are several things happening. - In a pro-Palestinian protest, a garbage can was set ablaze.

In the early hours of Monday morning, during a pro-Palestinian protest in Berlin-Neukölln, the local police authorities took action. Several individuals set a garbage container ablaze on Sonnenallee, resulting in the arrest of a 36-year-old man nearby. Another man assaulted the police officers present, also being arrested. Approximately forty onlookers vocalized their support for Palestine, facing dispersal orders which prompted a somewhat larger gathering. Law enforcement recorded participant identities and remained at the scene for a while to thwart any additional congregations. Outside of this, a report from "B.Z." mentioned a separate pro-Palestinian demonstration at Alexanderplatz that drew approximately one hundred attendees, with police intervention as well.

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The 36-year-old man arrested in Neukölln was suspected of being involved in a wider trend of crime linked to extremist groups in Berlin. Some local men in Neukölln have been vocal about their support for radical ideologies, leading to concerns among the community and the police. Despite the protests and incidents, Neukölln remains a vibrant and diverse neighborhood, with demonstrations and gatherings being a regular occurrence.


