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In a different perspective, Knobloch considers substantial victories for AfD in Bavaria as highly implausible.

Catastrophic outcome in Thuringia and Saxony, according to Charlotte Knobloch, is her assessment of the election results. She emphasizes that politics and the citizens bear responsibility now.

Charlotte Knobloch deems a ban on the AfD impracticable. She principally attributes the...
Charlotte Knobloch deems a ban on the AfD impracticable. She principally attributes the responsibility to the citizens.

- In a different perspective, Knobloch considers substantial victories for AfD in Bavaria as highly implausible.

Charlotte Knobloch, heading the Israelite Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, struggles to believe that the AfD could perform as spectacularly in Bavaria as they did in the recent elections in Thuringia and Saxony. "I pray that Bavarian politicians will keep working to prevent outcomes that would make us all cringe in Bavaria," she shared with the "Munich Mercury".

The AfD clinched the victory in Thuringia with a substantial 32.8% of the votes cast. In Saxony, they placed second, only trailing behind the CDU. Knobloch labeled this result as a "disaster for our nation". "We're now stuck with a party that holds democracy in contempt and has achieved victories on the far-right," she added in the interview.

Bavarian politics need to take tangible steps, Knobloch advised the newspaper. "No responsible politician can let this sit idly by. Something should be done. Both the state government and opposition have voiced their opinions on this matter, and the general direction is sound." However, a ban on the AfD seems unlikely in her estimation. "No, people would have to act up and just refuse to support this party in votes," she suggested.

Despite her concerns, Charlotte Knobloch admitted, "I'm not planning to join any protests or boycotts against the AfD personally." She further emphasized, "Regardless of my feelings, I'm not going to participate in actions that may isolated me from the community I'm serving."

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