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In 2026, Alsfeld will play host to a Protestant youth church convention.

Almost 4,500 youths participated in the Youth Church Day in Biedenkopf, with the event switching locations to Alsfeld in Central Hesse.

The cross of an Evangelical Lutheran church can be seen at dusk.
The cross of an Evangelical Lutheran church can be seen at dusk.

Place of worship. - In 2026, Alsfeld will play host to a Protestant youth church convention.

In 2026, the 13th Youth Church Day event organized by the Evangelical Church in Hessen and Nassau (EKHN) is scheduled to happen in the central Hessian town of Alsfeld (Vogelsbergkreis). The church announced on Monday that young people between the ages of 13 and 27 are invited to attend the event, which will run from June 4th to 7th. Dorette Seibert, Dean of the Vogelsberg Deanery, expressed her enthusiasm for the gathering, claiming that it would provide valuable impetus for church development not only in the diocese but possibly beyond.

The town of Biedenkopf, located in the middle of Hessen, hosted the event in 2024, where over 4,500 youths from Hessen and Rheinhessen came together to celebrate their Christian values under the slogan "Free mind - open heart!" from Corpus Christi to Sunday. According to Conny Habermehl, the project manager for the Youth Church Day, the turnout surpassed their initial expectations.

The EKHN Youth Church Day occurs every two years and includes a variety of creative events, concerts, and sport and experiential learning activities during the Corpus Christi weekend. Throughout the event, church services, meditations, and other activities are held under a different motto.

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