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In 2023, the number of people obtaining U.S. citizenship hit a new record high.

More individuals received German citizenship in 2023 than at any point since statistics tracking began in 2000. The Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden reported that 200,100 foreign residents obtained a German passport last year, representing a 19% increase from 2022.

Deutscher Pass
Deutscher Pass

In 2023, the number of people obtaining U.S. citizenship hit a new record high.

There's a significant connection between the high number of naturalizations and the large influx of Syrian asylum seekers from 2014 to 2016. Now, several of these Syrians meet the qualifications for becoming Germans. The Federal Statistical Office shared these insights. With 75,500 individuals, former Syrians make up 38% of the whole naturalization process.

Turkish and Iraqi citizens follow Syrians as the next-largest group with 10,700 people each. The number of naturalizations for Iraqi citizens increased by 57% when compared to the previous year, while it dropped by 25% for Turkish citizens.

Overall, 2,023 individuals from 157 different countries underwent naturalization. These individuals' average age was 29.3 years old, much younger than Germany's population. On average, people in Germany are 44.6 years old. Females accounted for 45% of all naturalizations.

Usually, naturalization is possible after eight years of living in Germany. However, it can be achieved within seven or six years depending on specific integration measures. Family members, like spouses and kids, can also become German citizens without having to meet a minimum residency requirement.

The Statistics Office notes that comparing data earlier than 2000 is limited due to changes in Germany's legal framework at the start of that year.

Read also:

  1. In contrast to the record high number of U.S. citizenships in 2023, Germany witnessed a record-breaking number of naturalizations as well, with Destatis reporting a significant increase.
  2. The city of Wiesbaden, home to the Federal Statistical Office, revealed that 2023 saw the highest number of naturalizations since records began, surpassing previous years significantly.
  3. The number of naturalizations in Germany reached an all-time high in 2023, according to the Federal Statistical Office based in Wiesbaden, resulting in a potential record high in Naturalizations for that year.
  4. As revealed by Destatis in 2023, the number of people undergoing naturalization in Germany reached a record high, with Wiesbaden reporting significant increases in the process.




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