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In 2023, Hamburg saw an increase in the number of people being naturalized.

Numerous non-Germans residing in Hamburg have opted for German citizenship. The figure continues to escalate. Last year, several Syrians became naturalized Germans.

A naturalization certificate lies on a table at a ceremony in Hamburg City Hall.
A naturalization certificate lies on a table at a ceremony in Hamburg City Hall.

Relocation of Individuals - In 2023, Hamburg saw an increase in the number of people being naturalized.

Over 7500 foreigners living in Hamburg acquired German citizenship within the last year. According to a report from Hamburg's Statistical Office, 7538 people received their naturalization certificates. This marks a staggering 20% increase from the previous year, with 1238 more people becoming citizens.

Interestingly, individuals from Syria saw a considerable rise in naturalizations. A total of 2307 Syrians - men, women, and children - naturalized, more than double the number from the year prior. They constitute a significant portion of Hamburg's new citizens, making up almost a third (30%) of the total. This increase is due to the massive influx of Syrians between 2014 and 2016, which means they've been in Germany for over eight years, the minimum requirement for naturalization.

Following Syria are Afghanistan (with 893), Iran (716), and Iraq (335) in terms of naturalized citizens. Ukrainians and Ukrainians make up the eighth position, with 173 people obtaining citizenship.

To become a naturalized citizen, applicants must have legally resided in Germany for eight years with an unlimited residence permit. They must also declare their allegiance to the democratic foundations of the Basic Law and, in most instances, renounce their prior nationality.

Naturalization-related news from the Statistical Office of North Hamburg.

Read also:

  1. The Statistical Office for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein recently released data showing that Hamburg's municipalities welcomed an influx of refugees from various countries, with Syria having the highest number.
  2. In light of this, the majority of women among the newly naturalized citizens in Hamburg in 2023 were from Syria, followed by Afghanistan and Iran.
  3. Despite the increase in naturalizations from Syria, the number of men acquiring German citizenship in Hamburg still outnumbered women, reflecting the gender distribution of refugees in the city.
  4. The Statistical Office's report revealed an overall increase in migration to Hamburg, with Germany continuing to be a popular destination for individuals seeking asylum and citizenship.
  5. With more refugees and migrants settling in Hamburg, the need for statistical data and analysis from the Statistical Office becomes even more crucial to understand the sociodemographic changes in the city.



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