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Improving the security of your main entrance to deter burglars

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It can happen quicker than you'd like: a break-in through the front door.
It can happen quicker than you'd like: a break-in through the front door.

Improving the security of your main entrance to deter burglars

Let's rephrase this story:

Invite us and our guests in, keep unwanted visitors out: That's the role of front doors and doorframes. What do they need to effectively shield against burglars?

A concerning thought: You return home and discover that burglars have managed to breach the front door into your cozy abode and enter. To decrease the likelihood of this dreadful scenario, the front door or house door should provide the best defense possible against intruders. But it's not merely about a sturdy door lock.

For optimal security, door locks need to collaborate with other components - with door handles, door frames, door hinges, and lock plates. "A burglar-resistant lock with a robust lock cylinder and compatible lock plate is pointless if the other side of the door, the lock plate, is not securely fastened," says Josef Moosreiner. He is a technical advisor at the Bavarian Criminal Police Office. Even then, a door could still be easily broken into.

Notice the resistance class

If you're purchasing a new front door, such as during a renovation or construction, Moosreiner suggests selecting a burglar-proof door. It's assessed as a whole structure. "There's the DIN EN 1627 with distinct resistance classes, now known as Resistance Class," explains the burglar protection expert. They range from RC 1 (lowest resistance class) to RC 6 (highest resistance class). "And in our view, doors with resistance class RC 2 are worth considering," says Moosreiner.

If you don't want to acquire a new door immediately, you can install burglar-deterrent locks or reinforce the door leaves - the movable portion of the door - as alternatives.

"Retrofitting is feasible for doors that are reasonably sturdy," says Moosreiner. Nevertheless, it's crucial: To magnify the burglary defense, the individual measures must be logically combined. And there are doors where a retrofit is unproductive, as the expert highlights. For example, at older apartment doors from the 60s and 70s, which could be effortlessly infiltrated.

To ascertain where particular measures are efficacious, private individuals can consult the police consultancy services. Their specialists will then expose vulnerabilities and suggest enhancements in person without cost.

The contact details of the local consultancy services may be found on the k-burglary website, an initiative of the police and the economy ( Moreover, there are nearby firms that could implement the suggested measures and companies of burglar-resistant doors recommended by the police.

Renters and tenants who wish for a burglar-proof front door should communicate with their landlord in advance, according to Moosreiner. In multi-family homes, the security of individual front doors is more vital than the main entrance, which typically remains unlocked. However, without the landlord's approval, tenants and renters cannot install a fortified front door or implement widespread renovations.

In newer doors, it may simply be minor details that need attention, like substituting a removable lock with a safety lock, Moosreiner contends. This course of action, in his opinion, could be reversed upon moving.

Locking and removing keys

And of course, utilize the security features you possess. "Firstly, lock the door," says Moosreiner. And preferably not just when exiting your residence, but also at night from inside, "because it's relatively simple and noisy-free to open the door."

Additionally, don't overlook removing the key from the interior if your door has a glass insert. It can be effortlessly smashed and the key can then be turned.

Furthermore, tenants and renters should never conceal their house or apartment keys outside. Burglars will discover any hiding spot. And if you're going on holiday, it's a fantastic idea to arrange for your apartment to be periodically checked, for example, by friends or neighbors, for watering plants.

Burglars have their tricks to understand if occupants have been absent for an extended period and can work uninterrupted. For instance, they use discreet adhesive labels to mark doors. According to Moosreiner, burglars can observe if a front door has been opened since the stickers were applied. If the door is opened between, burglars are more likely to be dissuaded.

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