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Improving food bank logistics with a new center's establishment.

Food banks face challenges in accepting and distributing donations, but a new facility could simplify these processes in the future.

A volunteer from the "Hannöversche Tafel" hands over a cucumber.
A volunteer from the "Hannöversche Tafel" hands over a cucumber.

Societal issues - Improving food bank logistics with a new center's establishment.

The Lower Saxon Tafeln are set to receive a boost in their logistics with the establishment of a new center in Börger, Emsland district. Nutrition Minister Miriam Staudte (Greens) revealed that this facility will enable better storage and distribution of goods, especially since the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine which has seen an increase in the number of people relying on these tables. On a space measuring approximately 650 square meters, the food donations will be received and then disseminated amongst over 100 tables across Lower Saxony and Bremen. Additionally, a second logistics center for the tables is planned for the greater Hannover area. The state has allocated around two million euros to fund this new center.

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