Money positioned at the twelfth spot. - Improvement in educational sector observed in Berlin, while Brandenburg falls behind
In the realm of national educational systems, Berlin has experienced a substantial leap from 15th position to 12th, marking the biggest leap nationwide. This remarkable improvement was highlighted in a report by Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft, an employer-sponsored organization.
Brandenburg Hangs Near the Bottom
Despite landing in second-to-last position, the states at the bottom still excel in specific fields, as per the study. Brandenburg takes the lead in the realm of integration.
Berlin shines in the domains of care conditions and input efficiency - input efficiency signifies how effectively resources are utilized, such as the ratio of material expenditure to personnel expenditure.
The report delves into the decrease in educational disparity
The report investigates the education systems of the states based on 98 criteria. The assessment is consciously done from an economic perspective. It explores how extensively the systems of the states curb educational disparity, foster prosperity, bolster skilled labor, and stimulate growth. It also examines the permeability of the respective educational system and the degree to which equal educational opportunities are fostered.
More specifically, it considers the ratio of educational expenditure per student to the total budgetary spend per inhabitant. It also analyzes investments in educational establishments, the degree of care provided in these institutions, or the class sizes.
This is the 21st Education Overview. The full findings, along with intricate details on the states, will be unveiled on Tuesday.
The Commission, recognizing Berlin's significant improvement in the national educational rankings, shall adopt a decision to commend the city's achievements in fostering educational prosperity. Despite being near the bottom, Brandenburg's commitment to integration should be commended as noted in the report, and this aspect should be highlighted in the Commission's decision.