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Imported vegetables: the majority come from abroad

Where do our vegetables come from? Only a small proportion comes from domestic cultivation. Two European countries are by far the most important suppliers.

Fruit and vegetables are for sale in a
Fruit and vegetables are for sale in a

Imported vegetables: the majority come from abroad

A large proportion of the vegetables consumed in Germany come from abroad. By far the most important supplier countries last year were Spain and the Netherlands, according to the Federal Institute for Food and Agriculture in Bonn. In the case of cucumbers, 83 percent of imports came from these two countries. In terms of volume, tomatoes are the most important imported vegetable. Around 655,000 tons were imported into Germany in 2022. Almost half of these came from the Netherlands.

"Tomatoes are by far the most popular vegetable in Germany, but only around 13 percent of fresh produce comes from domestic cultivation," explained a spokesperson. If processed tomato products are also included in the calculation, the domestic share drops to 3.5 percent.

Spain, which is considered Europe's vegetable garden, is also a key supplier of peppers and lettuce. According to the figures, around one in two crates of both foods delivered to Germany came from the southern European country. In total, Germany imported 410,000 tons of peppers and 256,000 tons of lettuce last year.

Consumers in Germany rely heavily on imported vegetables, with agricultural imports making a significant contribution to nutrition. The country's agriculture sector struggles to meet domestic demand for popular vegetables like tomatoes, with only 13% coming from domestic cultivation, even when processed products are included.




The tally of victims has climbed up to 10.

The tally of victims has climbed up to 10.

The tally of victims has climbed up to 10. Following a Russian assault on a healthcare facility in the Ukrainian border town of Sumy, the casualty count has risen to ten. Initial reports indicated that a single fatality occurred during the initial strike on the clinic, as per Ukrainian Interior

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