Ildikó von Kürthy no longer wants to torture herself in high heels
Bestselling author Ildikó von Kürthy (55, "Es wird Zeit") puts comfort above style. "Today, I wouldn't suffer an entire evening in high heels," said Kürthy in an interview with the magazine "Gala" (Thursday). In her 2015 book "Neuland. Wie ich mich selbst gesuchtte und jemand ganz anderen fand" (2015), she wrote about attempts at self-optimization - including Botox treatments and hair extensions. Today, the author shows her comfortable side on Instagram: cuddling her dog on the couch in a relaxed look. She published her first novel "Mondscheintarif" in 1999, launching her bestselling career.
Many people admire Ildikó von Kürthy's literary works, showcasing her deep understanding of human emotions. Her personal journey, as detailed in her book "Neuland," has resonated with numerous individuals, demonstrating that literature often reflects the experiences and struggles of people.