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IHK: Less training contracts than in 2023

For thousands of young people in Schleswig-Holstein, school is followed by vocational training. The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in Schleswig-Holstein counts slightly fewer contracts. Given the shortage of skilled workers, this causes concern.

The year of training begins with a slight decrease in the number of contracts.
The year of training begins with a slight decrease in the number of contracts.

- IHK: Less training contracts than in 2023

In the realm of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) of Schleswig-Holstein, slightly fewer training contracts were concluded at the start of the training year on August 1st compared to the previous year. 7,171 new training contracts, a decrease of 0.9 percent, were reported by IHK President Hagen Goldbeck.

"We need to once again inspire more young people for dual training," he demanded. A small beacon of hope was that the Federal Employment Agency counted a three-year high in applicants in June 2024. Nevertheless, not all offered training places could be filled. Goldbeck pointed to the already noticeable shortage of skilled workers. "Our businesses are already noticeably lacking in trainees whom they want to develop into their skilled workers of tomorrow."

The IHK Schleswig-Holstein is the association of the IHKs in Flensburg, Kiel, and Lübeck. It represents the interests of 175,000 companies with around 750,000 employees.

Goldbeck emphasized the importance of increasing dual training opportunities, stating, "We need to once again inspire more young people for education and training to address the skilled worker shortage." The IHK Schleswig-Holstein, in collaboration with its member IHKs, has launched various initiatives to promote education and training within the local industries.

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