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IHK chief in Schwerin urges political leaders to muster the courage for reforms.

Latest surveys reveal that the economy of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is experiencing a sluggish recovery. Businesses anticipate political aid in spurring this economic growth.

Matthias Belke, President of the Schwerin Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).
Matthias Belke, President of the Schwerin Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Financial status - IHK chief in Schwerin urges political leaders to muster the courage for reforms.

The head of the Schwerin Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Matthias Belke, emphasized the business community's call for major political and administrative changes, as well as improved economic conditions during the annual chamber gathering on Friday. Belke emphasized the need for a "mindset" that embraces innovation, willingness to change, and commitment to improvement.

The reduction of red tape could significantly boost the area's mainly small and medium-sized companies by giving them more leeway for innovation and investments, ultimately leading to increased optimism. A recent survey by the three chambers in the state revealed that many firms, due to the challenging economic situation, have significantly scaled back their investment readiness.

Belke noted the massive challenges facing businesses as they strive to convert to energy-efficient and eco-friendly production processes and practices. A thriving economy is essential for achieving the desired transformation.

Minister President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) highlighted the state's industrial strategy, which focuses on promoting economic growth through the development of environmentally friendly industrial zones. "We have the land, we have the renewable energy sources needed for future industries, and we are creating the necessary infrastructure," Schwerig stated.

In the past two years, investments totaling more than 420 million euros have been facilitated through location development and business expansion initiatives. The result is the creation of 900 new jobs and the long-term securing of 4,500 positions. The Chambers of Commerce are essential partners for the state government in advancing the industrial strategy and addressing other economic policy issues, such as the skilled labor shortage.

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