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Ifo business climate improves for the third month in a row

The Ifo Institute sees a stabilization of the German economy in the current figures, albeit at a low level.

"The German economy is stabilizing at a low level"
"The German economy is stabilizing at a low level"

Ifo business climate improves for the third month in a row

Sentiment in the German economy improved in November for the third month in a row. The Ifo Business Climate rose by 0.4 points compared to the previous month to 87.3 points, according to the Ifo Institute.

Analysts had expected a better mood for Germany's most important economic indicator, but had anticipated a slightly higher index value of 87.5 points.

The approximately 9,000 companies surveyed by the Ifo Institute assessed both the current situation and expectations for future business better. "The German economy is stabilizing at a low level," commented Ifo President Clemens Fuest on the results of the latest survey. Pessimism regarding expectations for the coming months has decreased. However, the mood in the construction industry remains "extraordinarily poor".


