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Hybrid teaching in the desired subject: model proves its worth

During the coronavirus pandemic, learning on a screen was the norm by necessity. In north-east Saxony, online lessons are now available in the classroom. The pilot project could well set a precedent elsewhere.

Pupils take part in lessons in a 9th grade
Pupils take part in lessons in a 9th grade

Hybrid teaching in the desired subject: model proves its worth

Hybrid lessons have been tested at three grammar schools in eastern Saxony for over a year. The Saxon Ministry of Culture has now given an initial positive assessment of the pilot project. In response to an inquiry from the ministry, dpa reported that the model is suitable for maintaining an attractive range of advanced courses at A-level, particularly in rural areas where pupil numbers are low. This applies in particular to the natural sciences, in which young talent is urgently needed.

Since the beginning of the last school year (2022/2023), face-to-face physics lessons have been transmitted to Niesky from Görlitz Curie-Gymnasium via video link. Pupils in Weißwasser follow biology lessons at the grammar school in Niesky on screen. According to the ministry, the young people are enthusiastic about this offer as they were able to take their preferred subjects. Without the project, the Friedrich Schleiermacher grammar school in Niesky would not have been able to offer an advanced physics course with four pupils. At Landau-Gymnasium in Weißwasser, only two pupils would not have been enough for a biology course.

Three lessons a week are taught online. Two further lessons per week, which are intended for experiments and practical tests, are always held live on site by the teacher. Despite the greater effort involved, for example in the technical preparation of the video transmission, the teachers involved rated the project as "very successful".

"The positive experiences so far may motivate other schools to follow this path," hopes Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU). According to his office, hybrid lessons should not be arranged centrally. Such projects are only successful if the commitment comes from the schools themselves. The Ministry is planning an information event for interested institutions from the Free State at the beginning of the year. The conditions and processes of hybrid teaching in East Saxony are to be presented at this event.

The success of hybrid teaching in natural sciences subjects, like physics and biology, has been crucial in maintaining advanced courses in rural schools with low pupil numbers. This approach, initially implemented at three grammar schools in eastern Saxony, has allowed schools like Friedrich Schleiermacher and Landau-Gymnasium to offer these subjects, previously in jeopardy due to insufficient student enrollment.

As the Minister of Education, Christian Piwarz, suggests, the positive outcomes from these hybrid teaching initiatives could encourage other schools to adopt similar models, enhancing the availability of education and enriching the curriculum across various areas, including schools.




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