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Hunting association and district group argue in civil court

In mid-May, Minister Aiwanger invited the hunting association to a peace summit to resolve internal disputes. A few weeks later, there is another legal dispute.

There is another dispute in the Bavarian Hunting Association (BJV). On Wednesday, members of the...
There is another dispute in the Bavarian Hunting Association (BJV). On Wednesday, members of the BJV presidium and the Neuburg district group met in court in Munich (symbolic photo).

No decision yet - Hunting association and district group argue in civil court

Peace has not lasted long: After years of internal disputes, calm was supposed to return at the Bavarian Hunting Association (BJV). Hunting Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) had called for a meeting himself and offered to act as a mediator. Members of the BJV presidium and the Neuburg district group met before Munich I Regional Court. A decision by the judge is not yet available.

The background of the proceedings is the exclusion of the Neuburg district group from the BJV. The district group had amended its statutes, which did not correspond to the BJV statutes.

At the meeting in the ministry, Aiwanger again clearly explained to the chairwoman of the district group that membership in the association was only possible if the rules of the association were accepted, the association reported. Since the district group had not withdrawn its statute change, it was excluded from the state committee of the BJV. Against this, the district group filed a protest, which the state assembly had to decide on in the fall.

Before the court, the district group wants to obtain the reinstatement of its membership rights in the BJV - at least until the internal complaint procedure regarding the exclusion is completed, said a justice spokeswoman. Priority goes to the suspension of access to the online member administration of the BJV.

A spokeswoman for the association said that the district group still had the right to use its rights and that members, for example, could continue to be insured and receive their member magazine.

According to the court spokeswoman, the judge is now examining whether the rights are still being granted and will announce his decision on the interim injunction on Monday.

The dispute between the Neuburg district group and the Bavarian Hunting Association (BJV) brought them before Munich Regional Court I. Despite the mediation efforts of Hunting Minister Hubert Aiwanger, the district group's statue amendment did not comply with the BJV's rules, leading to their exclusion.

The Neuburg district group seeks a temporary reinstatement of their membership rights in the BJAV, including access to the online member administration, citing the ongoing internal complaint procedure. According to the association, the district group's members can still benefit from their rights, such as insurance and the member magazine.

The Munich Regional Court is currently reviewing the case, with a decision on the interim injunction expected on Monday. This ruling could significantly influence the ongoing dispute between the district group and the Bavarian Hunting Association, located in the picturesque town of Neuburg on the Danube in Bavaria.

The outcome of these processes could have far-reaching consequences for the Free Voters and Hunting Association, impacting not only their internal operations but also their relationships with various hunting associations and animal welfare organizations in Munich and beyond.

Throughout this spring season, Bavaria's nature has served as a backdrop to this dispute, providing a poignant reminder of the interdependence of man and wildlife that hunting associations aim to preserve and protect.

Many hunting associations and Animal Welfare Associations have expressed interest in this case, as it could set a precedent for similar disputes in the future. With the Munich Regional Court's decision pending, everyone involved watches closely and waits with bated breath.

As this case unfolds, it once again highlights the importance of mutual respect, adherence to rules, and inclusivity in the realm of Associations, especially in matters concerning nature, Animals, and Man's ancient tradition of Hunting.

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