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Hungarian Prime Minister Orban visits the right-wing leader of Italy, Meloni, prior to the EU summit

Prior to critical staffing decisions to be set during an upcoming EU summit, Hungary's right-wing prime minister, Viktor Orban, plans to meet with Italy's far-right leader, Giorgia Meloni, in Rome on Monday. Orban's representative, Bertalan Havasi, shared this upcoming meeting with the AFP news...

Orban and Meloni (front) at the EU summit in April
Orban and Meloni (front) at the EU summit in April

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban visits the right-wing leader of Italy, Meloni, prior to the EU summit

The Brothers of Italy Party, led by Meloni, aligns with the right-wing European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) within the new EU Parliament, making them the third most powerful faction. However, there's resistance from some ECR members regarding Fidesz's potential joining, as led by Orban. Meanwhile, the Conservatives, Social Democrats, and Liberals are vying for control over the top EU positions.

During the upcoming EU Summit in Brussels, the Heads of State and Government are planning to elect three Spitzenposts. Current EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who represented the European People's Party (EPP) in the election, aims to retain her position. The Social Democrats' candidate for EU Council President is believed to be former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa. For the position of EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell's successor, the Liberal candidate under consideration is Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

Previously, Fidesz MPs had been part of the EPP in the EU Parliament, but the alliance ended due to accusations that under Orban, Hungary's democracy has been compromised.

On Tuesday, the Tisza Party, made up of Orban's rivals Peter Márki-Zay's six MEPs, joined the EPP. The Tisza Party collected approximately 30% of the votes in the Hungarian EU election, while Orban's Fidesz Party once again emerged as the dominant party with 44%. However, this was Fidesz's weakest showing in their 14-year grip on power.

Beginning on July 1st, Hungary assumes the EU Council Presidency for a six-month term. In preparation, Orban is scheduled to meet with Scholz, the German Chancellor (SPD), in Berlin on Friday.

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