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Hungarian international joins VfL Wolfsburg.

Women's soccer team Wolfsburg is preparing for the upcoming season by acquiring a new talent.

Kellermann is delighted with another new addition.
Kellermann is delighted with another new addition.

Latest update: Fresh inclusion in the content - Hungarian international joins VfL Wolfsburg.

VFL Wolfsburg has recruited Luca Papp, a member of the Hungarian national team. The German league team shared this news on a Thursday. The 22-year-old athlete will be contracted to the cup holders of Lower Saxony until the end of June 2027. Papp will be the second Hungarian national team player joining Wolfsburg after Diana Nemeth, who moved to the club in the winter.

Ralf Kellermann, the leader of Wolfsburg's women's football, stated, "Luca gained international exposure through her efforts with the Hungarian national team. She also was notable for her brilliant performances in the league during the last season."

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