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Hundreds block traffic in Belgrade in protest against alleged election fraud

Hundreds of people blocked an important intersection in the center of the Serbian capital Belgrade on Friday in protest against suspected election fraud. The demonstrators set up tents at the intersection in the government district and announced a 24-hour blockade. A protest march is planned...

Road blockade in
Road blockade in

Hundreds block traffic in Belgrade in protest against alleged election fraud

The right-wing governing party of President Aleksandar Vucic clearly won the parliamentary and local elections on December 17, according to official figures. However, international election observers reported numerous irregularities during the ballot.

According to the largest opposition alliance Serbia Against Violence, tens of thousands of residents of the neighboring Bosnian-Serbian republic Republika Srpska were brought in on buses to cast their votes illegally in Belgrade. On Saturday, voting will be repeated in 30 polling stations.

In addition to the students, hundreds of other people who had previously gathered in front of the state election authority also took part in the protests at the intersection on Friday evening.

The blockade is expected to last until midday on Saturday. The protest march planned for later in Belgrade is to be led by intellectuals, artists and other celebrities who had called on people to cast their votes before the parliamentary elections.

There have already been several road blockades and other protest events in Belgrade in recent days.

Last weekend, demonstrators threw stones at the capital's city hall and attempted to storm the building. More than 30 protesters were arrested.

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