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Huber attributes the negative atmosphere in Germany to the actions of the Green Party.

Post-Saxony and Thuringia state elections, potential coalition arrangements are under consideration nationwide. Continuously, CSU Secretary-General Martin Huber has been attacking the Greens.

- Huber attributes the negative atmosphere in Germany to the actions of the Green Party.

Martin Huber, CSU's General Secretary, views the state election outcomes in Saxony and Thuringia as retribution for Berlin's traffic light party politics. It's utterly absurd for the Greens to pin their lackluster performance on the Union's campaign against them, Huber expressed on ZDF's "Berlin Round".

"The Greens themselves are to blame for the public's discontent with their subpar politics," Huber stated. He criticized the Greens for their excessive climate protection policies. Robert Habeck, in his capacity as Germany's Finance Minister, is a disastrous choice and a blow to the industrial sector, according to Huber. "Tonight is a resounding defeat for the traffic light coalition," he added. They govern against the lived realities of the people.

Holetschek: CDU should be the new Minister Presidents in both states

Klaus Holetschek, the CSU's group leader in the Bavarian state parliament, considered the CDU's showing in Saxony a "strong result under adverse conditions". "Kretschmer personifies stability, and I could sense the people's recognition of him during campaign events in Saxony," Holetschek remarked.

In Thuringia, Mario Voigt faced a "media-dominating AfD" challenge, according to the CSU politician. "With a lead of over 10% over the incumbent Minister President's party, he must lead the following government in Thuringia," Holetschek said. However, he acknowledged that forming a government in both states would be "extraordinarily challenging". "It's clear that the Union must become the new Minister Presidents in Saxony and Thuringia," he concluded.

"The Election results in Saxony and Thuringia can be seen as a rejection of the traffic light coalition's policies, as suggested by Martin Huber."

"The Union, with strong performances in both states, is positioned to take on the roles of the Minister Presidents in Saxony and Thuringia, as suggested by Klaus Holetschek."

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