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HSV and St. Pauli unite in protest against right-wing extremism.

In the world of sports, HSV and St. Pauli are fierce competitors. However, they join forces in the battle against right-wing extremism. This unity was evident during a protest in Hamburg.

St. Pauli's president Oke Göttlich smiles before the game.
St. Pauli's president Oke Göttlich smiles before the game.

Football enemies Hamburger SV and FC St. Pauli will team up for a protest against right-wing extremism in Hamburg. The event will take place on Friday at 4:00 PM along Ludwig-Erhard-Straße, with President Oke Göttlich representing FC St. Pauli and Marieke Patyna, HSV's Acquisition Officer, speaking on behalf of Hamburger SV during the initial rally. The news was shared by the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) the day before. Other supporters include Fridays for Future Hamburg, DGB, and the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Northern Germany.

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